
Such Emotional Optimization

Building an Emotional Connect through SEO and Content Writing

Have you ever wondered why a certain package appealed to you more than another? Or, why a jingle streaming out of your car radio seemed so clear in spite of the chaos that ensued outside? Have you ever considered why your favourite brands are your favourite brands? Or, why you absolutely must have that particular model or that signature flavour? It might seem clearer to you now, that emotions and feelings had a lot to do with your subconscious decision-making process. 

That is the prime objective of any piece of marketing content, making consumers decisions for them. Sometimes with a gentle nudge, sometimes with a firm push.

Click. Scroll. Swipe. Through the careful choice of words, content writers and copywriters leverage persuasive tools to steer readers into buying something, sharing something, signing up for something, or simply conversing about something. However, quality content is not only about gaining search engine rankings or garnering higher traffic and engagement on a website.

Quality content is about creating a strong affiliation with a brand, resonating with the target audience’s pain points, frustrations, dreams and desires, whilst also guiding users through their unique buying journeys. To successfully strike this balance, marketers and content creators need to establish emotional context and complement it with the right SEO writing tools.

Quality content is about creating a strong affiliation with a brand, resonating with the target audience’s pain points, frustrations, dreams and desires, whilst also guiding users through their unique buying journeys

Extensive research on this topic suggests that consumers first feel the desire to do something and then subsequently use their rational reasoning skills to justify their initial and subconscious emotional response. This is because people are investing in experiences, rather than mere products and services. Which means, instead of relying on technical facts that accompany an offering, individuals tend to gravitate more towards goods that make them feel good or services (intangibles) that they can vouch for.

This insight further substantiates our belief that emotion in writing is a powerful, valuable and constructive means by which brands can ultimately drive conversions and sales. 

By humanising content and striking an emotional chord with readers, brands can tell their stories more coherently and in turn, establish constructive two-way relationships. Through the craft of language, content marketing is capable of evoking happiness, instilling trust, inspiring awe, eliciting laughter, garnering curiosity and even instigating fear.

Moving beyond titles, meta descriptions, keyword-rich phrases, tag hierarchies, imagery and link building, emotion opens the door to infinite possibilities that brands simply cannot overlook or underestimate. And, why should they? After all, feelings are trusted first and then analysed. Additionally, happiness and jubilation inspire social sharing, and the feeling of safety leads to strong brand affiliation.

Which brings us to this – an ideal piece of content not only connects with a reader emotionally; it also aligns with the science of Search Engine Optimisation. Together, the left and the right side of the brain is stimulated, through a well thought out and well written piece of content.

At Word Hatter, we strive to achieve this synergy between emotions and keywords in every piece and form of content we produce, thereby creating matter that engages readers emotionally and also helps page rankings. We do this by balancing strategy with insights and creativity. More importantly, adapting our tone of voice and having a conversation rather than just stating facts. To know more about our process, have a look at our website and stay tuned for more interesting and thought provoking blog posts, coming your way!